Monday 12 May 2014

Is Plastic Surgery Harmful to Your Body?

Insecurity is a question that has captured the collective mindset of people. We are insecure about some or the other body part and we wish we could change it. We look for ways in which we can make some changes to that bit of imperfection and become perfect. Here we have cosmetic surgeries to our rescue.

Cosmetic surgeries have become immensely popular for modern people. These are times of becoming perfect, times of becoming pretty; it is the order of the day to look for one’s fashionable side. The basic aim of a cosmetic surgery is to enhance the appearance of an individual by turning the imperfections into perfections. While some would like to swear by the blessings of cosmetic surgeries, others would say that such a surgery can lead to serious ailments, and could also push one to the brink of a heart attack. How much of trust and faith can be placed into a surgery that is done to enhance one’s looks?

cosmetic surgery

It could Elevate Mental Illness
Cosmetic surgery is all about looks, and this is a very sensitive issue. Some people are so consumed with their appearance that they could pressurize their mind and become subjected to some kind of mental illness. There are in fact some illnesses that are solely based on the body’s appearance, like anorexia and body dismorphia. People at times also redo an already done surgery so as to give it an even better look. These things could lead to a lot of problems.

Unexpected Bleeding
Also known as Hematoma, it is an abnormal, localized collection of clotted blood that is bound to occur if the patient has high blood pressure. This is one of the most common complications that follows after a face lift, but the good news is that this is not life threatening and could be easily corrected. It also does not interfere with the final results of the surgery.

Sometimes a deposit of clear fluid could develop in the body after surgery. Such surgeries are liposuction, tummy tuck or breast augmentation. This is why a drain is inserted in the affected area and whenever possible, compression. At times this does not work and hence further treatment could be necessary for the patient. 

Asymmetry in the Area
This as you can imagine could be a disaster. There is high possibility that you could experience a range of normal to several symmetries. This is especially true for breast augmentation, and liposuction of the hips and thighs. A moderate to severe asymmetry could be corrected with another surgery, whereas a mild asymmetry is considered to be quite normal. 

plastic surgery

For those doing breast augmentation, extensive scarring could be a possible complication. Scarring is the result of the body’s attempt to heal the site of a cut, and when this happens then there is an overabundance in the production of collagen which forms a scar. Extensive scarring could be the result of genetics, specific medical conditions and the overall health of the patient. One must get thoroughly checked and consider these factors before leaping towards a surgery.

Above all, you must remember that most celebrities got it wrong with their cosmetic surgeries. So with all the money if they could not get the right one, what difference can you make?

Get to know more about plastic surgery & cosmetic surgery visit at:

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